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Faculty and students excavating at Source de l'Yonne, in 2011.

Source de l'Yonne (Bibracte) 2009-2011


Over the duration of three summers, ten students from Howard Community College joined undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of Mainz and Durham University at the European Archaeological Center, in the excavation of habitation areas at the Source de l'Yonne, led by Dr. Tom Moore. This site, within the environs of the Late Iron Age Oppidum of Bibracte, produced evidence of a Late pre-Roman Iron Age and early Roman metalworking workshop, and part of a later Roman building.  These excavations have been summarized in a joint publication in the European Journal of Archaeology (Moore, Braun, Creighton, Cripps et al. 2013).


In addition to the Museum of Celtic Civilisation, the European Archaeological Centre co-ordinates archaeological research on behalf of the French Ministry of Culture (





Moore, T.; Braun, A.; Creighton, J.; Cripps, L. et al. 2013. Oppida, Agglomerations, and Suburbia: the Bibracte Environs and New Perspectives on Late Iron Age Urbanism
in Central-Eastern France. European Journal of Archaeology 16 (3), 491–517.






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